Sales Consultants by Appointment

We invite you to explore our showrooms. To ensure you have the best experience possible, we recommend scheduling an appointment with one of our knowledgeable salespeople who will gladly answer any questions you may have.
Designer Bath Beverly: 800-649-2284
Designer Bath Watertown: 800-499-2284

This personalized approach allows us to provide tailored advice and solutions that perfectly match your design needs and preferences. Furthermore, an appointment ensures that we can dedicate the time and attention required to help you make informed decisions about your home improvement projects.

Drop Us a Line

Have a general comment about Designer Bath & Salem Plumbing Supply and our services? We welcome your thoughts and suggestions. Using the form, please take a moment to share your feedback with us so we can make the improvements that you want to see. Your input is invaluable in helping us enhance our offerings and ensure your satisfaction. Let us know how we can serve you better and turn your experiences with us into exceptional ones.